
League to Save Lake Tahoe clean up photo

Lake Tahoe has higher concentration of microplastics than ocean trash heap

(LA Times July 14, 2023) Sparkling Lake Tahoe may appear pristine, but its blue surface waters contain microplastic concentrations higher than those observed in ocean gyres — systems of ocean currents notorious for accumulating plastic waste — according to new research. The study, published Wednesday in the scientific journal Nature, revealed that of the 38

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A Poison Like No Other

How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies Review from 5Gyres 11/18/2022 In A Poison Like No Other: How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies, science journalist Matt Simon reveals the shocking extent of microplastic pollution and its far-reaching consequences for human and animal health. Speaking with scientists on the frontlines of the microplastic

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Why microplastics should keep us up at night and what we can do about them

World Economic Forum 3/8/2023 With every new piece of scientific research, the scale and impact of plastic pollution become ever more glaring. We are eating, drinking and breathing microplastics; they are raining down on us and are even found in breast milk and fed to our children. The impact plastic pollution has had on planetary

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Beyond PFAS to Plastics

The Emerging Contaminant that Lies Ahead For food and agriculture, the problem of plastics in food and the environment pose special challenges. Research into what effects these food contaminants might have on human health is just getting underway. This research will lead to cases filed by the plaintiffs’ bar, as well as increasing the attention

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